The Lantra Awards Approved Live Capture Training Course

Awarding Body:
LANTRA AWARDSTraining course type:
Training and assessmentNovice training course duration:
These courses are generally two days in length with a balanced fusion of theoretical lectures, and practical hands-on field exercises, including animal capture (where necessary). We aim to plan courses for peak times of ‘live capture activity’, usually in March for relocation of stags, and in September for routine de-antlering work.Novice candidate numbers:
This comprehensive course is limited to 12 attendees to allow for group tasks and 1:1 personalised instruction where necessary, and upon completion of the course, there will be a short test of understandingCard options:
Upon successful completion of the written assessments and practical field exercises, a Lantra Award certificate will be granted to the candidate, and their name entered on our national register of qualified live capture operators.Minimum age:
Not available to Prohibited Persons (for reasons of gun control)Restrictions:
To gain the most from this training course, applicants should ideally have some experience in deer stalking or deer management, but this is not a necessity.Instructor:
What is The Lantra Awards Approved Live Capture Training Course?
There are many reasons why there is a need for Animal Capture, immobilisation and restraint of both wild and captive animals, especially deer and animals enclosed in wildlife parks. However, in cases of an emergency, there are few live capture operators able to respond quickly enough to prevent unnecessary suffering, and even fewer possess the specialist knowledge and skills to be able to deliver the professional service needed.
The live capture of any animal has significant implications in so far as both animal welfare and human health and safety are concerned. Therefore specialised training in the correct, safe and humane capture techniques is vital if animal welfare and operator safety is not to be compromised.
The treatment of animals both before and after capture is crucial to avoid causing unnecessary stress, injury and death.
This LANTRA AWARDS Approved Course is the only Nationally Recognised course of its kind being run in the UK.
It has been developed and improved over several years by Mike Allison, one of the UK’s most experienced Animal Capture Operators. TUPPCO are delighted to work in partnership with Mike and his highly experienced team, to deliver this unique selection of wildlife management courses.
What does the training course include?
The course will be run in two parts. The first part will consist of the theoretical aspects of Live capture, including:
Drug pharmacology, Choice of drugs, Safety precautions and accident procedure Animal assessment, Practical demonstration of dart loading, and dart projector use Practical demonstration of Live Capture using immobilising drugs and Dart Projectors.
The second part will include a practical element, field-based exercises involving the use of live capture equipment owned by the candidate. This element of the course will include:
- Best practice in the use of dart projectors, and darts.
- Practical dart loading.
- Safety and accident procedures
- Accident protocol
- Live deer handling
Upon completion of the course, candidates leave with highly important knowledge of safety awareness whilst using immobilising equipment, dart projectors (rifles and pistols as well as blow-pipes) and associated darts.
They are taught vital skills in equipment use, underpinned with a solid basis of understanding in the way immobilising agents affect animals, as well as how to implement safety precautions and essential accident protocols. These courses are generally two days in length with a balanced fusion of theoretical lecture, and practical hands-on field exercises, including animal capture (where necessary).
We aim to plan courses for peak times of ‘live capture activity’, usually in March for relocation of stags, and September for routine de-antlering work.
- Theoretical Instruction
Lectures cover the following:
- The fundamental principles of live capture.
- Legal implications.
- Drug laws and COSSH regulations.
- Basic Pharmacology of commonly used immobilising drugs.
- Animal behaviour in response to live capture operations.
- Drug dose calculation.
- Planning immobilisation operations.
- Pre-delivery planning.
- Drug delivery equipment.
- Post-delivery procedure.
- Monitoring the immobilised animal.
- Data recording procedure.
- Human and animal safety, and emergency procedures.
- Practical Training/Demonstration
Practical instruction covers the following:
- Preparation and development of an immobilisation plan.
- Safe loading of darts, syringes, including safety precautions.
- Dart rifle/pistol handling, safety features and precautions.
- Marksmanship techniques.
- Dart trajectory and in-flight effects of climate & weather conditions.
- Live animal handling, treatment and moving (where possible).
- Revival of the immobilised animal.
- Cleaning of equipment and the safe disposal of PPC & used materials.
On-going Training & Field Experience
Once the candidate has acquired the necessary equipment, then our trainers will endeavour to provide the candidate with the opportunity to engage in field exercises, under supervision and instruction in the live capture of animals as part of a live capture management plan.