The Total Deer Experience

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total deer experience

Awarding Body:

In House

Training course type:

On-site training and assessment

Novice training course duration:

1 -3 days

Novice candidate numbers:


Card options:

Upon completion of the course, you will receive our certificate of achievement. Where required, we can also assist with FAC applications and variations

Minimum age:




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What is The Total Deer Experience?

This course gives you a fantastic opportunity to gain practical hands-on experience throughout the entire process, from the shot* to finally butchering the carcass yourself under the watchful eye of one of the best trainers in the deer industry. 

This one-to-one experience focuses on each crucial element step-by-step. From the humane shot* through the entire process to end up with a fully butchered, vacuum packed and ready-to-cook product, some of which will be available for you to take home with you.  

Your unique, personalised experience is supported by a solid foundation of over 40 years of professional experience in all aspects of wild deer management.  The TDE course is a rare opportunity as Mike Allison wishes to provide you with 100% of his time, knowledge, and experience for a whole day


What does the training course include?

The TDE Course is delivered through a carefully structured field-based program whilst having the reassurance of professional support to build your confidence in the field through the whole process of carcass management under field conditions. 

We limit our courses to only one candidate, allowing group tasks and total 1:1 tuition. The areas of tuition are:

  • Health & Safety Considerations
  • Pre-cull shooting instruction
  • Cull criteria and selection
  • Carcass recovery techniques
  • Pre-gralloch inspection
  • Gralloching of culled deer to customer specifications
  • Detailed examination of all internal organs and lymph nodes
  • Preparation for cold storage of deer carcasses
  • Tagging and recording processes
  • Venison butchery

Our trainer will observe your performance throughout the various training elements of the course. The total support throughout all operational processes will help you feel confident in carrying out safe, hygienic carcass management to professional standards. Mike will be on-hand to deliver personal 1:1 throughout all processes. He will be committed to helping you develop both knowledge and confidence of going into the field alone to carry out the culling and carcass management of wild and park deer.

  • On a day-to-day basis
  • During an emergency

Recognised industries:

Agriculture, Public Sector, Horticulture, Forestry, Construction, Land based industry, Industrial, Fencing, Landscaping, Civils, Highways, Quarrying, Utilities, Councils, Shooting, Corporate, Sports, Estates

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